Com-pas-sion [Kuhm-pash-uhn] Noun: A feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering. 

Welcome to the Compassion Counselling website. You may have come here because you are looking for an individual or couples/relationship therapist, or a psychosexual therapist. Or perhaps you are interested in finding out more about video counselling, you should find that all of your questions are answered on the site. If you find yourself with any more, please contact me.  


Published with written permission (not visible on mobile version of the site). Hover the mouse over to freeze the text. 

However bad things got in the week I knew there was a safe space to get to by Thursday where I could talk it all through. It really got me through a very difficult time when I felt very depressed and isolated. I now feel more able to deal with issues on my own.'

I'd like to say thank you to my counsellor who was very patient with me at all times. I am very proud of myself for being brave enough to ask for this help but even more grateful that it was Stephanie that I called. I have learnt so much in such a short space of time about myself with her help. Thank you.'

I was reassured by the professional and confidential nature of the counselling sessions. This helped me to feel comfortable and relaxed in the relationship.

It was extremely helpful, especially since it was my first time receiving counselling.

It was so helpful being able to talk about everything I wanted to with someone and the support Stephanie showed. Also I knew early on that she had my best interests at heart.

There is nothing that I feel could have been improved.

Thank you Stephanie!

What I found most helpful about the counselling was the opportunity to share what I am going through and struggling with. The opportunity to be weak and not perfect without being judged or there being any consequences in my private and professional life.

I found the process which was used very helpful - not having a specific topic each week but being free to discuss anything was useful as it helped me to see how things were inter-related.

It helped me a lot. I felt safe at all times. It was beneficial for my health. The service was all I could have asked for.

I was nervous about going for counselling before the sessions, however I found it a very helpful and healthy way to process a range of different thoughts and emotions therefore would recommend it to anyone who was thinking about it.

What is Counselling?

Counselling is a form of psychological therapy, sometimes known as 'talking therapy'. It's a way of helping you to make sense of your life, understand yourself (or your relationship) and your behaviour better, and find new, more positive ways of living your life.

Counselling is a way of getting to the heart of what drives a person to do and feel the things that they do, and to unlock new and healthier ways of living. The applications of it are endless and the potential for positive change is enormous whether the work is with individuals or couples.

Counselling is about entering into a safe relationship with a non-judgemental person where you can be honest and vulnerable about who you really are and explore the aspects of your life that feel as if they're blocking you from reaching your full potential. It's you that sets the pace and it's you that chooses what you're ready to share and explore.

Find out how I work in more detail.

Who is Counselling For?

Counselling is for anyone who feels that they would like to know and understand themselves better, anyone who needs help in getting through a difficult issue or stage in their life, or anyone who wants to fulfil their full potential.

Relationship counselling is for anyone in a relationship (of any sexuality) who wants an outside perspective to help them to make sense of any difficulties they may be having. Relationship counselling can be done on your own or with a partner(s). 

Where do I go for Counselling?

I offer online counselling face to face via video so you can receive counselling from me from anywhere in the world. Find out more about counselling via video.

Contact me now

 Kelvington Road, London | 07521 070 522